Growth mindset in business


When we talk about a growing business we often mistakenly limit this concept to opening more venues, recruiting more people and generating more sales. But the truth couldn’t be further from this. Having a growing business doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with these things. All it has to do with a business having the capability to learn from it’s mistakes, adapt to the ever evolving market and innovate to stay relevant.

The size doesn’t matter

A business is like a person, it has values, its own set of cultural rules, a vision of the future, plans to achieve their dreams and looks. And last but absolutely not least an x amount of people who make up the personality of the business. So just because a person stopped physically growing, would you say that they stopped growing? Quite the opposite, we keep growing as a person by enlarging our knowledge, by replacing bad habits with good ones, by learning new skills and the list goes on how one can achieve personal growth.


“A growth mindset in business simply means that you are not afraid to make mistakes.”

A business is no different to this, having a growth mindset in business simply means that you are not afraid to make mistakes but you are also not doing them over and over again, you replace processes with better and evolved ones, you retire products that are not relevant anymore, etc. Having a team that understands the concept of every single person being a crucial element of the whole and adapting the mentality of continuous personal and as a result collective growth is what makes a business a growing business.


The size doesn’t matter?

Success lies in having a product or service that is adding value to people's lives by creating good memories, saving time, creating security and enabling them to do something they couldn’t before. And if your business does this every time, and does it better each time, then you have a growing business.


“Size actually does matter, but not the way you would think it does.”

Size actually does matter, but not the way you would think it does. Size matters in the sense of how many people’s life your business has an effect on and how large the impact is. What a growing business really means is a growing audience that the business has a positive effect on. Whether that calls for more people to work for you or to have more locations is  irrelevant to having a growing business.



Why a business purpose matters


Change is just change and COVID is just change